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Does A Lift Add Value To A House?

Updated on November 20, 2023

Does A Lift Add Value To A House?

A rising number of people are turning to home lifts to increase their independence at home. But can a lift raise a home’s value? In this article, we’ll discuss how home lift could affect the value of a property and what homeowners should think about before investing.

The Benefits of Installing a Home Lift

Installing a home lift can help with mobility issues, make your home safer and more comfortable, and make it easier to go from one level to the next. A home lift is desirable because of its advantages, especially for elderly or disabled homeowners.

Impact on Home Value

Several variables, such as the lift’s specific features, the cost of installation, and the health of the local housing market, will determine how much a home lift raises its worth. On the one hand, making a house more accessible and appealing to purchasers is one way to increase its price. However, the installation expense may need to be proportional to the value added to the house.

Factors to Consider Before Installing a Home Lift

Several considerations exist before installing a home lift, including the initial investment, the effect on resale value, and the ongoing maintenance expenses. Plan accordingly; construction codes and permits have rules and standards that you must meet.

Summary Of Does A Lift Add Value To A House

Installing a home lift may increase the value of a property by making it more accessible and usable, reducing the risk of injury, and making it more pleasant to travel between levels. The lift, the cost of installation, and the health of the local housing market are just a few of the variables that might affect the resale value of a property. It’s wise to research the rules and regulations of planning approval and construction codes before making a final decision. Homeowners may make an educated choice about whether or not a home lift is the best answer for them with some research and thought.

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